When is it time to get dentures? You may be surprised

Dentures Melbourne

When is it time to get dentures? That’s the question we hear all the time, and yet the answer isn’t as simple as you might think. Many people think that when they lose all their teeth or have just one or two remaining, they should get dentures right away. However, there are situations where dentures may not be the best solution and even patients with extensive tooth loss can live without them, especially if alternative solutions are used first. Here’s some insight into when you should get Dentures Melbourne and when you shouldn’t and why.

When is the right time to get dentures?

The Impact of Time on Teeth

In many ways, we treat our teeth as if they’re ageless—we brush twice a day, floss and rinse regularly and see our dentist annually. But our teeth aren’t like hair; there’s a very real difference between youthful smiles and those that have been around for decades...and decades...and then some. So what do we do when getting old starts to show in our mouths? Do we simply ignore it or try various remedies until something sticks?

What Can Cause Tooth Loss?

While genetics, aging and gum disease can all contribute to tooth loss, some of our favorite culprits are more unique than you’d think. Are you ready for them? Sugar-laden soft drinks are directly linked with tooth loss – specifically, soda consumption has been shown to increase your risk of gum disease by nearly 300 percent! That’s right – guzzling a can of cola every day puts you at greater risk than brushing your teeth regularly or flossing daily.


Cosmetic Factors in Choosing Dentures

Many people don’t know that one of the biggest factors in whether or not you should choose Dentures Melbourne over your natural teeth is cosmetic. Yes, if you have a full mouth of healthy teeth, you probably won’t need to worry about getting dentures at all—but there are plenty of other instances when having dentures can be much more appealing than a full mouth of natural teeth.

Preventative Factors in Choosing Dentures

Many people who are already experiencing issues with their teeth choose to wear dentures, but there are other factors involved in your decision. For example, if you’re under 40 years old and still have a high number of teeth left, chances are you’ll be able to avoid wearing dentures for a long while. However, if you experience chronic gum disease or recurring tooth decay and need all of your teeth pulled out at once, dentures might be more useful for your needs.

How Long Do Dentures Last?

Even though there’s no telling how long a set of dentures will last, there are some simple things you can do to increase their longevity—and therefore improve your overall dental health.

Who Can Benefit From Getting Removable Upper and Lower Dentures?

Dentures are not just for seniors, many people in their 50s, 60s and even 70s can benefit from getting removable upper and lower dentures. The key word here is removable; There are so many different options when it comes to types of dental procedures ranging from tooth whitening, wisdom teeth removal and gum surgeries to cosmetic procedures like veneers and crowns.


It’s never too early or too late to think about getting your teeth replaced if you can no longer deal with your original teeth and mouth problem(s). If you have any dental concerns, there’s no reason not to consult a dentist today. Consult your dentist and if you need Dentures Melbourne he/she will guide you through what options are available for your oral health needs. Don’t delay!


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